What We Believe
"In the essentials, let there be Unity; In the non-essentials, let there be Liberty; In all things, let there be Love" ~ Augustine (354-430 AD)

 The Bible - God's Book for Us We believe the Bible is God ’s Word given by divine inspiration, the record of God ’s revelation of Himself to humanity (II Timothy 3:16) 

God - Our Good Father We believe in the one living and true triune God, perfect in wisdom, sovereignty, holiness, justice, mercy, and love (I Timothy 1:17; Psalm 86:15) 

Man - Sinful By Nature We believe God created man in His own image to have fellowship with Himself and to be steward over His creation (Genesis 1:26 -28). 

Jesus - The Hero of the Story We believe salvation is redemption by Christ. It is offered as a free gift by God to all and must be received personally through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ . (I Timothy 2:4; Ephesians 2:8 -9) 

Church - God's People We believe the Church is the body of which Christ is the head and all who believe in Him are members (Ephesians 1:22 -23; Romans 12:4 -5) 

Jesus' Return - The Final Credits We believe God, in His own time and in His own way, will bring all things to their appropriate end and establish the new heaven and the new earth (Ephesians 1:9 -10, Revelation 21:1)